Please support us as we participate in the 2024 Go the Distance for Autism event!

As most of you know, our beautiful son Kieran was diagnosed with autism and subsequently with epilepsy.  We are once again raising critical funds to support Kieran and the life-changing work that occurs every day at The EPIC School.  Our continued hope and prayer is that the education EPIC provides will dramatically alter the course of Kieran's future and that of our family.  Our greatest dream for Kieran is that he will reach his full potential, enjoying family and friends...and all that life has to offer!

We hope you will consider making a donation to Go the Distance for Autism to help Kieran and his schoolmates.  This gift is an investment in their futures and will have a lasting impact on the life of each student and their families.  We are so incredibly grateful for your continued support of our sweet, special young man! 


Meghann, Shel, Aidan & Kieran

*As the largest bike event in all of North Jersey, Go the Distance for Autism is able to make a huge impact on the autism community in our state.  What started as a small group of people with a big idea has turned into an incredible celebration that brings the autism community together and raises vital funds for four of New Jersey's preeminent autism programs.  

This is big.  This makes a difference.  This matters.

Here we were preparing for and participating in Go the Distance 2019 ... and celebrating your incredible generosity:
