Dear Friends and Family,

I would like to start off by thanking each and every one of you who's been by our side each and every year we've been at the EPIC School and a part of Go the Distance for Autism.  Thanks to your kindness our team has collectively raised over $105,000 over the years for the EPIC School.  Those dollars directly contributed to enhancing the program and making it a superior school that teaches its students valuable functional skills needed to have a meaningful quality of life and be a valuable member of the community.  

Jack is who he is today largely because of the commitment and the love of his EPIC family.  He is going to be graduating in June, but he will transition into EPIC's newly created Adult Day Program (called Inclusive Communities). EPIC-IC seeks to provide comprehensive day programming services designed to promote skills necessary for adulthood with an emphasis on self-sufficiency, community integration, volunteer and employment opportunities. 

Unfortunately, day programs like EPIC-IC don't receive all the necessary funding needed to run the program at a level we've come accustomed to with the EPIC School program.  So fundraising will be paramount for the success of the new program.  So please consider supporting our efforts!! 


Scott and Elisa
