Karen Frascati-Estrella profile picture

Karen Frascati-Estrella

Team Captain Frankie's Friends 2024 Go the Distance for Autism - EPIC

Support Me

Most of you know that my family participates in raising funds for the EPIC School.  Frankie has been a student at the school since he was 6 years old.  He turned 21 in December, and it certainly was a bittersweet birthday. (Where did the time go????)   He is aging out of the school system and will graduate on June 6th.  The EPIC School has been lifechanging for both Frankie and our family over the years.  I honestly do not know what we would have done without their guidance and support. 

But the need is not over!  He will transition to the EPIC Adult Program after graduation.   We ride and continue to raise funds for Frankie to be in a program that will respect him and keep him safe.   Epic will continue to work on the skills he will need to be productive as he can in the community and provide job sites where he can work and feel self-pride in his accomplishments.  As a parent, that's what we want for our kids.  To be happy, feel fulfilled, and reach their potential - whatever that looks like.

Asking Friends and Family for donations, is not my strong point.  But I humbly ask, if you could donate anything large or small, we would be internally grateful.

Below is a video on the progress to the new program.  This is what all our fundraising dollars have gone towards!  Take a look - it is going to be spectacular!!!  


Thank you so much for all of the support!!!

Karen, Frank, Andie and Frankie
